Gen Z could very well be the ones to solve “fashion pollution”. There are 57 million of us. We will soon become the second-largest generation in the world. That means we have a lot of buying power. AND we are unlike any other generation. We don’t just buy with our wallet, we buy with our conscience! Plus our generation doesn’t want to look like everyone else. We believe clothes represent our own personal identity. We aren’t buying things just to fit in.

Yes, we are tech savvy like our older Millennial friends but our generation is being shaped by the many crises we’ve been born into, the rise of school shootings, climate change, terrorism, the Great Recission and of course a pandemic that only comes around in 100 years. These dark events have made us more cautious and pragmatic.
Our generation does not support Fast Fashion – one of the BIGGEST PROBLEMS when it comes to fashion pollution.
According to studies 62% of Generation Z prefers to buy from sustainable brands. And we are 73% more likely to pay 10% more for those sustainable goods.
This is one reason Forever 21’s bankruptcy doesn’t come as a shock. They’ve had a few missteps but one of their biggest was not thinking about Generation Z. Yes my generation, like every other, likes affordable clothing or a good deal. But we do our homework. We are more interested in protecting our planet. We’ve known “forever” that Forever 21 was one of the fastest growing fast fashion companies.
Depop is basically online thrifting. It allows sellers to get rid of their old clothing and buyers to make their fashion purchases online. Last Aprill Depop saw a 90% increase in sales while retail sales fell 18.1% that same month. Of course COVID had a lot to do with that. It’ll be interesting to see how the reemergence of fashion and buying in post-COVID times might change things again. Will we go back to our old habits or will we continue to buy less and focus on quality over quantity?
Depop gives Generation Z three things it wants: affordable prices, reducing waste, and a way for them to express their individuality because they aren’t as interested in just wearing what everyone else is wearing.
Likely that’s why you see so many companies caring about the environment because they know they NEED to in order to earn our business. Our generation knows how to spot companies with unethical practices AND we are aware of greenwashing tactics – using eco-friendly, “markety” buzzwords that make them sound they are doing something substantial for the environment when reality it’s just a marketing ploy.
To find out what companies are doing and if your favorite brand is considered “Clean Fashion”
You can go to Good On You or Remake.
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