Hello Everyone!
I’m back from the dead. Just kidding! But my blog is back from the dead. Welcome to my new blog AND the new section of my blog. I’m feeling a little like gossip girl today because rather than just informing you about all of the recent trends or how to become more sustainable, I’m filling you in on all of the gossip. Or not so much gossip, more on details about the last few months of my life.
Let’s take it back to the last time I wrote a blog. June of 2021. It feels like yesterday…because it literally was only a few weeks ago. I’m trying to make this sound more ominous so my life sounds cooler, okay. Although nothing crazy has really happened, I did have a very fun past few months.
Firstly, I completed my first year of college and started my second year. I moved out of my first college dorm style apartment and I am about to move into my first real one, meaning not through student housing at my school. I’ve been taking classes online all summer long. While that isn’t usually how I’d want to spend my summer, I’ve found that it’s been super beneficial to stay busy and me get ahead! My goal is to get my master’s degree in nearly the same time frame as I wouldn’t have gotten my bachelor’s degree graduate… only one quarter later! Kind of crazy I guess. Apparently, I do not know how to NOT graduate early.

I’ve done a ton of traveling this summer, which is the main reason why I didn’t stay in California and won’t be back until October. In all honesty though, California is great, but I also get really homesick sometimes. It was nice to be home this summer even if I was only actually in my hometown for a couple of weeks.

In June, my family came to California and we went to Palm Springs. I have three YouTube videos up about that trip so check them out. That was so much fun! We stayed in a beautiful AIRBNB, we hiked, and we almost died in the 120 degree heat but it was worth it. Then, we came back to LA for a few days where we took surfing lessons, went to Crumbs and Whiskers, had dinner with a few friends, met my new roommate, went to Hollywood Hills, and got the worst sunburn of my life. I kid you not, my skin got so burnt that it completely peeled off the same day. I have videos on this trip coming soon on my YouTube.

Then my family came home, I hung out with my boyfriend for a few days, met up with a fellow DC blogger, hung with friends, and went thrifting….a lot…of course. Then it was my 18th birthday. For that, my family and my boyfriend went to Florida! When I tell you it felt like I was 17 for 20 years, I’m serious. Literally everyone I talked to agrees. Maybe it was because I was in college for a year as a seventeen year old, when all my friends were already 19 and 20. Maybe that was one reason it felt like the year would never end. I was very excited to finally turn 18. After a few days, my boyfriend went back home and my best friend joined us in Florida. We made a trip to Miami and took pictures, shopped, and ate amazing food!

I came home again for less than 24 hours and then made a trip to Ohio! Some of my family lives there and we were going for my cousin’s bridal shower. I was on babysitter duty. If I wasn’t playing hide and seek then what was my point of being there.

I came home again, just to leave again to go to Busch Gardens with Kaden’s family. Then, a few days later I went to Nashville! My cousin got married to her high school sweetheart after ten years dating. Plenty of tears were shed. We went to Casa Rosa a lot which is a bar/restaurant owned by Miranda Lambert. It’s also where my cousin’s HUSBAND works. So crazy to call him her husband now! Lots of content was taken, I mean come on, you guys know me by now. And I finally got to hang out with my nephew/cousin Archer. Let me explain that. My cousin had her baby while I was at college, so I hadn’t been able to meet him for a while. Technically, he is my cousin but my cousin and I are close so he’s also like a nephew to me! When he is old enough to say more than just “dada”, he will call me his aunt/cousin Lexy lol.

After my trip to Nashville, I went home and visited my boyfriend at college. We are going into my third year of long distance which is honestly terrible. It’s not that bad other than the fact that I only see him every three months and miss him all the time. So like I said, not that bad. Sadly, on the way back home from my trip to visit him, I got rear ended. My car is now totaled which I’m devastated about but the important thing is that everyone is okay.
Now, I am back in Florida, where I have been resting a ton, working on content, and hanging with my family. I plan on making another trip to my boyfriend’s college before going to California again. We’ll see if I have any more unexpected trips before the summer is up! My roommate and I are moving into our new apartment in the beginning of October. I’m very excited to finally go in-person for classes and to be back in California. Decorating houses is my favorite thing ever so I’m very excited to decorate my new place.

As you can see this summer has been hectic but in the best way possible. But because of ALL of this, I haven’t had too much time to sit down and write blogs, edit videos, and interview people for podcasts. Plus, sometimes it is good for mental health to take some time off. I’m excited for you guys to see what I have coming up. I have tons of content coming soon so get ready. I hope you all had an amazing summer and I’m excited to see all of you thriving this upcoming school year.
If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.
Follow me on my socials:
Instagram: @lexysilverstein
Youtube: Lexy Silverstein
Twitter: @eLEXYfy
TikTok: @lexysilverstein
Facebook: Lexy Silverstein