Neon is such a HOT trend this summer, especially in bathing suits and I’m so here for it.
Neon everything was my all time favorite color scheme when I was younger. I would legit collect jeans in every color of the rainbow, I had neon yellow, green, pink, purple, etc. I was in a pop band called Neon Rain for 10 years. So the fact that this trend is coming back makes me incredibly nostalgic and happy.

If you haven’t noticed, every other decade, but our own, is making a comeback at the moment… especially the 80’s. That’s where our neon trend makes its first appearance in fashion. BUT before that we saw Andy Warhol experimenting with bright blue, golds, pinks and more in his famous paintings of Marilyn Monroe in 1962. Kim Kardashian West might be responsible for the reboot of the neon fashion trend and her former side-kick Paris Hilton hints that she actually created the trend way back when. But Hilton also claimed inventing the selfie, which later, turned out to be not true. So we may not know “who” gets credit, but the trend continues in the 2020’s and in a more exaggerated way. It’s seen in makeup, hair dye and just about everything else.

I recently received a bathing suit from Setinit Boutique that does this trend JUSTICE!! It’s a classic triangle bathing suit that I’ve recently learned you can tie multiple ways.
1. There’s the traditional way, tying the top straps around your neck and the other straps behind your back.
2. You can also criss-cross the straps going around your neck to create an X on your chest with the straps. It also allows for a makeshift choker out of your bathing suit.
3. You can actually flip the bathing suit backwards and upside down where the triangles are in the back and tie two straps under your chest and the other two over. Then you take the two triangles and move them to cover and fit however you so please. This creates a bandeau with a cut-out look.
I love the color of this bathing suit because it works so well with any skin tone and 100% makes you feel hot and fun. The bathing suit is completely adjustable which is always important for me, considering the top of my suit is always a different size than the bottom of a suit. I’ve worked with Setinit Boutique before and they still manage to amaze me. Go check out their store and Instagrams: @setinitboutique @setinitswim.

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Remember to eLEXYfy!
Make the ordinary – extraordinary!