If you care about the environment and want to connect with like-minded sustainable friends, you should come join me and sign up for EarthChella.
Since Earth Day falls on weekend 2 of Coachella this year, Lauren Bash (@ReLauren) is coordinating a three day event Friday, April 21 – Sunday, April 23. 2023.

If you don’t know Lauren, please take a few minutes to listen to our interview on eLEXYfy, The Place for Fashion podcast. She’s truly an inspiration on how to live a more sustainable life.
So the events for the EarthChella Weekend are as follows:
Friday, April 21: There will be a guided community hike to learn about the land and native plants.
Time & Location: 6pm at Will Rogers State Park, 1501 Will Rogers State Park Road, Los Angeles, CA 90272. Parking is avail.e
Saturday, April 22 AM: A river cleanup with Friends of LA River @folaorg and SurfRiderLA (@surfrideral).
Time and Location: 8 am – 12 pm locations vary across LA River
Saturday April 22 PM: Garden potluck dinner party.
Time and Location: 5:30 pm at Pacific Palisades (exact location to be sent to RSVP’d guests) Dinner party under the trees. Bring a dish to share.
Sunday: April 23: Guided breathwork, meditation and an ocean dip.
Time and Location: 10 am at Tower 28 in Santa Monica. Parking available.
If you’d like to connect with your sustainable earth-loving friends please RSVP to one to all of the events here. Come join us.
If you’d like to email me, you can reach me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com

Follow me on my socials: Instagram: @lexysilverstein Youtube: Lexy Silverstein Twitter: @eLEXYfy TikTok: @lexysilverstein Facebook: Lexy Silverstein Liketoknow.it/lexysilverstein.