I recently had the pleasure of getting a facial at The Face Facial Bar in Hollywood, California. All I can say is “wow”! It was an incredible experience and I can’t wait to go back. My esthetician, Aubrey, gave me a Cryo-Jelly Mask Facial. Yeah, those super cool ones that you always see on Instagram.
My Experience at Face Facial Bar
Before we got started, Aubrey analyzed my skin so she could come up with a custom treatment that would specifically treat my issues. She told me I have combination skin with inflammation and acne on my forehead.

When I first moved to California, the lack of humidity had a huge impact on my skin. I immediately started breaking out all over my forehead and cheeks. It was an amount of acne I hadn’t experienced before. I hadn’t really thought about how much the change in climate would impact my skin, until Aubrey pointed it out to me.
I was really hoping the aestheticians at Face Facial Bar could help me fix these problem areas and that’s exactly what they did! The Cyro-Jelly mask is recommended for all skin types but works best for people who have dehydrated skin, rosacea, or acne-prone skin. It helps sooth any inflammation, hydrates the skin, and also promotes skin healing. My facials also included a facial steam with an enzyme exfoliation mask, which helps to deep clean the skin but beyond that, it was just incredibly relaxing.

After the Cyro-Jelly mask, my aesthetician used an antioxidant mask and a pumpkin peel to help combat breakouts, reduce redness, and help brighten my skin. She finished with moisturizer and sunscreen. Specifically for my skin, she used their Balancing Act moisturizer because it’s great for people who have combination skin, like myself. She also did extractions to get rid of some of the current blemishes and gave me the best neck, shoulder, and arm massage. When I left I felt truly relaxed and my skin felt so clean and soft. Truly like a baby’s butt.
I’ve been tracking my skin after the facial. For the first few days my acne got worse, it came out and to the surface. But hey, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. That’s exactly what happened here. Where I was experiencing a lot of under-skin acne and oil build-up, on my forehead, was where most of the acne started to show up in the next week. But I got through the worst of it and now my skin is really clearing up. Of course, I still get a few pimples here and there but I really have seen a big difference in the quality of my skin.

About Face Facial Bar
Now for a little bit of information about the spa. Face Facial Bar is proud to be owned by minority women, a dynamic mother-daughter duo who believe in affordable inclusive skincare. They believe that facials should be a regular part of any healthy skincare routine, not an occasional luxury just for those who can afford it. Face is an open-space, full-service facial bar.
A key factor in how Face Facial Bar is unique is by customizing your facial experience. Since everyone’s skin is incredibly different, you have to work on everyone’s skin differently. Although they do offer three main kinds of facials: Organic Facial, Cyro-Jelly Mask Facial, & Hydro-Facia at $75, $80, and $90, they still customize each facial to each person.
Each facial includes a skin cleansing, skin analyzing, skin exfoliating with steam and one of their organic exfoliating masks; fruit enzyme exfoliating mask, antioxidant glycolic and raspberry mask, cranberry glycolic and lactic acid mask. Also included in the experience are extractions, a hand, neck and shoulder massage, a customized facial mask and hot towel, customized skin serum and moisturizer, and SPF 35.
What Skin Products They Sent Me Home With
I was sent home with two products that are customized for my skin. First is the balancing act cleanser. This cleanser is made specifically for combination skin. This cleanser is made with high percentages of various organic botanical ingredients that will ultimately purify my skin from acne causing bacteria. It will also improve any scarring & eliminate hyperpigmentation without stripping the skin.
The second product is my personal favorite, the see spot mask. It is a gel mask great for spot treating. This mask kills bacteria & heals blemishes while detoxifying, cooling & soothing the skin. The synergistic blend of organic & effective ingredients will keep my skin clean & clear. Each and everyone of their products are organic, vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. The ingredients are of course, sustainably sources.
I’m so happy that I got the opportunity to work with Face Facial Bar. My skin has been looking great ever since my facial. Make sure to check them out and check out my vlog walking you through my experience.

Please follow me on Instagram at @LexySilverstein and subscribe to my blog eLEXYfy.com. If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.