Who else is in love with fall fashion? I know I am. I prefer fall fashion over summer fashion.
Obviously, I love the fun colors, cute cut-outs, and platform sandals for the summer. But it’s hot in the summer, so you can’t wear as many clothes, which makes it harder to produce cooler fits.
Fall fashion with it’s fur-lined coats, layering, and platform knee high boots really steals my heart. Layering…I love layering. I have been obsessed with the fashion trends we have seen this year. It’s been fun, psychedelic, ugly (but also cute), and overall amazing. We’ve seen the 70’s come into play, the 60’s, y2k, and pretty much every important decade of amazing fashion combined into one year. Below are some of my favorite upcoming trends.

Fur lined coats
They were hot last year and even hotter now. I love fur lined coats in bright colors. When you think of faux fur, you might think of animal prints. Those are super cute. But the hot furs right now are bright green, purple, pink, and any neon colors. I think we’ll be seeing a lot of these coats in different lengths too. I actually just thrifted a shorter faux fur lined leather jacket and I’m obsessed with it.

Platform boots
Obviously, we’ve been seeing a ton of platform sandals all summer and this trend is going to continue in the fall. Both my roommate and I thrifted a pair of black platform boots that look exactly like the very popular Naked Wolfe (above). Mine look-a-likes were designed by Steve Madden. If you want the real thing, there are so many Naked Wolfe boots on DEPOP right now. But even though it’s winter, no one is stopping you from wearing those platform sandals. I think that’ll be another trend we’ll be seeing this winter, crazy funky tights and socks with platform sandals. There are a lot of fun socks and tights on Etsy.

Loafers are going to be the staple shoe for fall and winter. Sadly, I just returned a pair so I could buy a pair of Naked Wolfe shoes from DEPOP but I will be investing in another pair soon. My two favorite loafers this year have been the orange and green Jeffrey Campbell loafers. I wouldn’t buy them because the company isn’t very transparent about their sustainability practices. I would thrift them though if I found them at a second hand store. But solid black loafers, like the Prada’s above, are a good investment because if they do go out of style, they’re likely to come back in the not too distant future. Some cute white ruffle socks would look adorable with those shoes.

Ties are back baby! I literally love wearing ties, especially in a casual way. The other day I wore boxers, a tank top, a blazer, and a tie. Def one of my favorite fits. Gives me very Y2K vibes. Some Avril Lavigne, maybe a little Christina/Britney moment.

Metallic colors
I believe silver will be huge this summer. Jake Flemming, who I interviewed on an upcoming podcast, (coming out soon), mentioned this tidbit in a TikTok and I couldn’t agree more. I want to see metallics everywhere. Obviously, jewelry but also in the makeup we put on, the clothes we wear and the shoes we walk in. I got the best silver button down during my last thrifting expedition.

Funky tights
I mentioned this earlier but I think funky tights will be a fall and winter staple this year. Much like how funky patterned pants were a thing last year, I think we’ll see more of that but incorporated into different ways, like tights. Color and patterns are EVERYTHING!

Suit sets
Suit sets are going to be huge this winter. In part, I think we have Harry Styles to thank for some of this influence. Three piecers, the suit plus a vest is a popular look now. I actually just thrifted the cutest suit set at my local Goodwill. You have NO idea how many on trend items you can find at the thrift store. I have literally managed to stay up to date with all the trends just by second hand shopping. You can also always buy a separate jacket and pair of pants and wear them together if you can’t find a matching set. I love to wear my suit with a bra underneath and layered with tons of jewelry.

Varsity Jackets
We saw the varsity jacket trend a little last winter but I think it will be the main jacket to wear this fall. I have a vintage Nascar jacket from eBay that I wear all of the time and it immediately spices up every outfit. I believe we will be seeing more actual vintage high school varsity jackets this winter instead of the vintage race car jacket but both will be huge.

Neon Chunky Sweaters
Obviously chunky knit sweaters are the staple in the fall and winter. Although monochromatic is still popular, bright colors, even neon, is the hot sweater to own now. Bright colors, always popular in the summer are big this winter. I am a huge advocate for colorful fashion so I’m excited.

1920's lingerie
The lingerie trend has been in for a while now. This fall we are starting to see it expand into older eras of lingerie. This past summer we saw ruffle bloomers make a huge comeback. But in the fall, I think we will be seeing these pieces as transition pieces or layering pieces. Old vintage lingerie dresses, which some people used to think of as”grandma dresses” are going to be used for layering. Girdles will be worn as skirts with tall boots.
Let me know if you want a part 2 of 2021 Fall Trends!
If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.
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