Well they started to be just that – Pact Clothing, the sustainable clothing brand that’s shaking up the fashion game. 🌱
Pact was born in 2011, founded by the dynamic duo, Jeff Denby and Jason Kibbey. Their mission? To create “earth’s favorite clothing company.” And they’re not just paying lip service to sustainability – they truly believe that the planet and its people should always come first in fashion.
Pact is all about those eco creds. They’ve got some heavyweight partnerships with the U.S. Fair Trade Association, Global Organic Textile, and Simply Zero, which is like the Avengers of sustainability. They’re the real deal when it comes to being green.

What’s PACT’s Sustainability Plan?
Well, according to the sustainability experts over at Good On You and The Sustainable Review, Pact is doing pretty well. On the sustainability report card, they score a 3 out of 5 for the planet, a 4 out of 5 for people, and another 3 out of 5 for animals.
Environmental Rating: It’s A Start
One area where they can level up is minimizing textile waste. They’re all about using eco-friendly materials, but they haven’t fully connected the dots between eco-friendly materials and reduced textile waste. Come on, guys, let’s close that loop!
On the bright side, eco-friendly materials mean fewer chemicals and less water used in production, which is a win for the planet.
Labor Rating: Good
When it comes to people, Pact is pretty solid. They’ve got the Fair Trade USA certification covering workers’ rights, and they’re paying a living wage for some parts of the supply chain. But here’s the catch: it’s not verified for all stages of production, and their final production facilities are in countries with a higher risk of labor abuse. Still, they’re showing a commitment to improving labor practices. 🌟
Animal Rating: It’s A Start
While there’s no documented animal welfare policy, Pact gets a gold star for not using fur, animal skin, hair, leather, or down. But they do use wool, so they might think about drafting an animal welfare policy to cover all the bases.
Social Impact
Pact has been making waves in the social impact game since 2011. They’ve saved a whopping 300 million gallons of water, offset 11 million kilograms of emissions, and pumped $1 million into the Fair Trade premium distribution.
In my humble opinion, Pact is acing the social impact game. They’ve been part of reforestation programs and renewable energy projects, and they’re letting us, the consumers, be a part of the sustainable fashion movement by being transparent and committed to sustainability. Kudos, Pact! 👏
Sure, their animal and environmental ratings have some room for improvement, but they’re showing us that being eco-conscious and turning a profit can go hand in hand.

Does Pact Greenwash?
We’ve all heard of greenwashing, where brands talk the talk but don’t walk the walk when it comes to sustainability. Well, here’s the good news: Pact doesn’t seem to be one of those culprits. They’re super transparent about their sustainability efforts and how they’re implementing them. No smoke and mirrors here! 🌿
The Future for PACT
What’s next for Pact? The future’s looking bright, my friends. They’re pioneers in sustainable fashion and could be the guiding light for other brands looking to up their sustainability game.
So, there you have it, the lowdown on Pact Clothing. They’re not perfect, but they’re on the right track to making fashion more eco-friendly and socially responsible. Let’s hope they keep rocking the sustainable runway!
Lexy Silverstein, your Sustainable Fashion Consultant, signing off. If you want to reach out, hit me up at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.
Keep it green, folks! 🌿💚
Follow me on my socials: Instagram:@lexysilverstein Youtube: Lexy Silverstein Twitter:@eLEXYfy TikTok: @lexysilverstein Facebook: Lexy Silverstein Liketoknow.it/lexysilverstein