If you go to Reformation’s website, the company brags;
Being naked is the #1 most sustainable option. We’re #2.
Brilliant marketing and actually it isn’t greenwashing. I’m not saying they are #2, but they are the real deal, a brand that is definitely more sustainable.
So short answer – yes! Reformation is a more sustainable fashion brand you should trust and support. I only say “more” sustainable because I’m not sure we’ll ever reach 100% sustainability. But I’m impressed with what they are doing.
How Reformation Started?
From the start, Reformation is a brand centered on sustainability. Founded in Los Angeles, the brand first began by tailoring vintage clothing and giving it new life. As the brand evolved it transitioned into crafting its original pieces, but stayed true to its commitment to making sustainable fashion accessible to all.
Reformation’s Sustainability Rating
Reformation is actively contributing to taking care of the environment, and holds a “Good” rating on Good On You. Regarding the brands environmental impact they achieve a score of ⅘ for their use of lower-impact and recycled materials. Reformation, too, has made a greenhouse gas emission reduction goal as well as a policy approved by CanopyStyle to prevent deforestation in its supply chain.
The brand excels in their labor conditions too! The company adheres to a code of conduct that covers all the ILO’S Four Fundamental Freedoms. That means no forced labor, no kids working, no unfair treatment in the job scene, and a workplace that’s safe and sound. Plus, they’re not just about style – everyone’s pocketing a pretty decent paycheck too.
While they have killed the other aspects of sustainability, one area of improvement however is the brand’s animal welfare policies. While they are still rated “Good” in this area there are still some things they can work on. While they do not use fur, angora, or exotic animal skin, it does occasionally use leather and exotic animal hair. With a world of amazing alternatives out there, there is no excuse for profiting from our animal friends.
Reformation’s Future
First of all, their goal is stated clearly on their website:
Since you and Earth deserve the best, our goal is to source 100% of our fabrics from recycled, regenerative or renewable materials by 2025 and be circular by 2030
2025 is in a year and as you know 2030 is in 6. That’s aggressive and impressive. Most companies hope to reach their big in decades – not within years.
Reformation stands as a beacon of hope for sustainability in the fashion industry. Looking ahead, the brand holds the potential to influence and create new standards for all companies to live by. By addressing the areas of improvement, the brand can continue to shape a future of fashion where style, ethics, and the environment intertwine. But overall, Reformation is a sustainable fashion trailblazer worth supporting.
Is Reformation Expensive?
It’s not cheap, but it’s an investment. Reformation’s pricing reflects its commitment to sustainability and quality. Sweatshirts are available at around $78, while cashmere sweaters can range into a few hundred dollars. Jeans are priced at about $168, and handbags and shoes can range from $200 to $500. The brand offers a selection of dresses for under $200, but also features dresses that are priced in the several hundred dollar range, accommodating a variety of budgets while maintaining their eco-conscious ethos.
If you are interested in connecting just email me at Lexy@eLEXYfy.com

Remember to Make Ordinary Extraordinary!
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