YES! YES! And YES! THEMOIRè is a brand from Milan, Italy. It started as a project with one main goal – creating an ethical brand with the lowest possible environmental impact. Just so you know, sustainable fashion concentrates on the environmental impact of fashion while ethical fashion focuses on the human impact of a piece of clothing. Are the people making your clothing being paid a fair wage and working in healthy and safe conditions?
THEMOIRè wants to be positive and proactive when it comes to the environment and people. The brand also wants to be conscious, donating a percentage of its profits to organizations that are committed to climate change and they plant one tree for each product sold. (more on that later)
Okay so that’s their mission but how do they plan to do it?

They are sustainable by using either recycled or biodegradable materials.
Some of their collections are made with ecofabrics made from the Nopal Cactus plant or from apple industry wastes.
What is Cactus Leather?
Nopal Cactus plants are known for their medicinal properties – promoted to treat diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and even hangovers. It’s considered by many to also have an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.
But now, it’s also used as fabric. For example, Mexico’s Adrian Lopez and Marte Cazarez started an alternative vegan leather company after spending 2 years figuring out how to turn nopal cactus into an environmentally friendly, animal friendly “pleather”.
I’ve been trying to get Lopez and Cazarez to come on my podcast, eLEXYfy, a Place for Fashion, for a year now. Maybe they’ll read this blog and finally reach back out to me. (Please).
What is Apple Leather?
Okay, so back to THEMOIRè – they also use fabrics made from apple waste.

Yes… now there is Apple Leather. In Italy, a textile made from the waste of apple processing called Frumat is now used to make a fake leather. The northern region of Italy, known for the production of apples, had to deal with a significant amount of waste. This waste used to just go in the trash, but Frumat developed a new cellulose-based raw material that can be made into a variety of textures. In 2020, Tommy Hilfiger launched a few sneakers made with apple fibers in a partnership with Frumat.
How else is THEMOIRè Sustainable?
The company also makes bags with natural materials like Cork or Raffia, and recycled material like Eco Fur or recycled cotton. All linings are made from 100% recycled materials – mostly from PET plastic bottles. The threads and labels are made with recycled nylon which can come from fishing nets.
The company also plants a tree for every single product sold in partnership with Tree Nation. You can visit THEMOIRè FOREST to find out more about all the different trees that have been planted around the world.
How cool is that? Let’s take a look at some of their products.
Organic Cactus Handbag
Take a look at this cool white handbag. It’s made from organic cactus. The cactus plantation is perennial, which means they are planted once and last for about 8 years. Cactus is also good for the environment as it absorbs CO2 during the night and its metabolism protects water.
THEMOIRè Trench Coat
Of course THEMOIRè has a vegan collection of trench coats. The trench coat, originated in the 1820’s as a military uniform, is now a trendless classic. It can be more trendy and less trendy from year to year or decade to decade, but it is literally ALWAYS in style.
These are just some of their beautiful designs.

You can shop THEMOIRè at The prices of accessories and coats will be in the hundreds but they are investments. Timeless investments in your wardrobe and an investment in our planet.

Lexy Silverstein is a Sustainable Fashion Consultant
If you’d like to email me, you can reach me at
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