My absolute favorite piece in my closet is this PINK SELFIE dress I recently received. There are no words to describe the way I feel about this dress. Usually when I think of khakis, I think of men’s khakis pants or shorts. But the use of khakis in this dress is absolutely breathtaking. The brown mixed with the hot pink is such a great color combo, one I have personally never tried before but will continue trying after this dress.

The length of this dress is an odd length but I’m not mad about it. It’s not quite at the knees but not too high above the knee. For me it’s right at my kneecap.

The way the dress is designed is totally and utterly unique. The criss-cross top helps to accentuate your chest and is very flattering. The added cut-outs under either side of the chest is a hot touch. I’m always a person you admires the slightest details. Whether that be in a movie, TV show, or piece of clothing. The way the hot pink fabric follows along the lining of the dress is my very favorite detail.
I also enjoy the thicker straps in this dress. Most of the dresses I have been wearing lately are either spaghetti straps or strapless. I’m not sure why, but that’s pretty much what makes up my entire closet. So this thick strapped, neutral dress with a pop of color is a perfect addition to my wardrobe.

PINK SELFIE is such a unique brand. When you check out their website you are sure to find loads of hip and happening pieces to add to your closet. Most of the time I’m scrolling through their site, I’m thinking to myself, “I want that, I need that, I have to have it.” So check them out @pink_selfie_design.
Please follow me on Instagram at @LexySilverstein and subscribe to my blog eLEXYfy.com. If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.