Welcome back to my monthly, “What’s in My Cart” blog. There are a few things I am absolutely obsessing over.
Starting off first with this:
Stella McCartney Sweater

This sweater gives off SUCH House of Sunny vibes. And while it is completely out of my price range it’s definitely on my wish list. Funky sweaters are such a guilty pleasure of mine but without the guilty part! Plus, I strongly the brand Stella McCartney because of its effort to be sustainable. We love to see designers who are prioritize both style and protecting our planet. Use my link!!
CHNGE Sweat Set
I wrote about CHNGE in my last blog post. It is such an amazing brand that sells the cutest freaking clothing. They create cool clothing while prioritizing saving water, not using harmful chemicals and making sure they aren’t manufacturing their clothes in sweatshops. I am honestly pretty new this whole set trend. I think I have three in total of which I only really bought recently. But CHNGE for sure has my favorites!! I’m in love with this sweatshirt and pants and love so many things on their site. You should check them out.
Trucker Hats

Trucker Hats are one of the biggest trends happening currently. Pretty much all headwear is super trendy this summer but one that stands out the most is trucker hats. I found a site where you can actually cusustainable hats. So while everyone is wearing the same basic hats from the same basic places, you can actually customize your own special one, while being sustainable. Also, there are TONS of super cute trucker hats on DEPOP. Some of my favorites are the Von Dutch ones and you can feel good about it because you are buying second-hand!
Madness Clothing Set

Madness Clothing was also in my last blog post about the sustainable brands I’m loving! But ever since Sarah Mtimet posted this set on her Instagram, I have been obsessing over it. It’s reasonably priced for how cute and on trend it is! If you want to check out how they are working on sustainability read my last blog post!
If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.
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